This type of suspension is called an Administrative License Revocation (ALR). The refusal or failure of this test will lead to a suspension of an individual’s driving privileges. If an individual is arrested for DWI or BWI, they will be offered a breath test or a blood test. These recommendations may result in the suspension or revocation of an individual’s driving privileges. Based upon their investigation, the MAB will provide recommendations to the DPS. The MAB will review the individual’s medical records and other relevant information. If the Texas DPS is concerned that an individual is medically incapable of driving, the Medical Advisory Board (MAB) will conduct an investigation. It is important to note that DPS may automatically revoke or suspend an individual’s driver’s license for either a DWI or BWI arrest or a medical disability. An intoxicated driving or boating, DWI or BWI, arrest.Texas license suspension reasons may include: Pursuant to Texas laws, an individual’s driver’s license may be revoked for many reasons. …or over the phone and online using the same information.When Can a Driver’s License be Revoked in Texas?
Write their name, date of birth, and driver’s license number.Send or bring a copy of their suspension notice.What you’ll do when reinstating a license: Some individuals may need to get SR22 insurance depending on their offenses.

You will also need to pay any additional fines and fees associated with the suspension.
Texas uses a point-based system called the Driver Responsibility Program (DRP). You may appeal your license suspension within 15 – 20 days of its loss by sending a request or ALR hearing. Plus, the times caught when driving with a suspended license and/or criminal record. The length to which your license is suspended depends on the severity of your actions. It’s best to talk with a legal counsel to understand your rights. Delinquent traffic fees or child support.Being physically or mentally unfit to drive.Traffic violations causing too many points.There are many reasons for suspension – including: And, what you can do to reinstate your driving privileges. This post shares why you may get a suspended license. Repeated offenses carry criminal charges and harsh fines. Those caught may face extended suspension times and/or revoked licensing. You may check the status of your license using Texas’ driving eligibility tool. This notification details why your license was suspended like too many traffic violations, DUI, or lacking insurance. You should take steps to reinstate their driver’s license after receiving an enforcement notification. Driving in Texas with a suspended license is a criminal offense.